President’s Report November 2019

The final Committee meeting for 2019 was held on Friday, 15 Nov. The four new committee members- Karen Goh, Kirsti Viitala, Bruce Hildebrand and Darren Vizer were introduced to the full scope of projects on the go at the moment. The Presidents report and sub committee reports outlined the detail and progress of current projects and ongoing work, these also raised many points for discussion.

The education requirements for proposed expanded membership levels were discussed with additional information sought on several points before finalising. Plans for some new projects are also in development for 2020, including updating the PAA website and introducing Meetup events around the country.

The Member Benefits program is undergoing a refresh and we are looking to expand the offerings for members. We are seeking partners, sponsors and providers to support the PAA and our member community on various levels.

If you have suggestions of companies who you think are a good fit for the PAA to partner with, who may be keen to sponsor an event or program or who may offer member discounts please get in touch

Recently, a member raised a concern with us regarding music licensing for Pilates classes and studios, following a dramatic and unexpected increase in fees and strong communications with One Music, the new licensing entity.

Has anyone else found their fee structure for music licensing has changed dramatically based on the new categories? Please let us know so we can determine if the categories accurately reflect the type of use within a Pilates class and studio as opposed to a fitness class and gym environment.

We will be following up our investigations with an article on current laws around use of music played at Pilates studios and outlining APRA/One Music policies. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks.

Sharan Simmons

PAA President

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