Natural Therapies Review 2019

2019 Natural Therapies Review


The Natural Therapies Review is being led by the Australian Government Chief Medical Officer (CMO) supported by the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) and utilising the expertise of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

The CMO’s review will assess additional available evidence for natural therapies and provide advice to Government on whether certain natural therapies should be eligible for subsidy through the private health insurance rebate.

Thurs 18/07/2024 NTREAP Meeting Outcomes

On 18 July 2024, the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) held its eleventh meeting by videoconference. The following is a summary of the outcomes arising from the meeting.

Draft evidence evaluations for Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Kinesiology, and Reflexology

The NHMRC presented the draft Alexander Technique, Buteyko, Feldenkrais, kinesiology, and reflexology evidence evaluations. Members commented that the reports are well written with a respectful tone, easy to read and suggested minor improvements for consumer readability. In particular, describing the scope of the therapies to more clearly differentiate them from other therapies in the summary sections of the evaluations. The NHMRC will proceed to finalise the evaluation with the evidence reviewers.

Progress and timing of the Review

Research protocols
All protocols finalised.

Outcome prioritisation
All outcome prioritisation finalised.

Draft evidence evaluations
All draft evidence evaluations finalised.

Final evidence evaluations
Final evidence evaluations for Bowen Therapy, homeopathy, naturopathy Review B, western herbal medicine, Alexander Technique, Buteyko, Feldenkrais, kinesiology, and reflexology in progress following NTREAP input.
Final evidence evaluations completed for Pilates, Rolfing, iridology, shiatsu, tai chi, yoga, naturopathy Review A and aromatherapy.

Previous Updates

Wed 26/06/24 Natural Therapies Review - stakeholder update

On 7 June 2024, the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) held its eleventh meeting by videoconference. The following is a summary of the outcomes arising from the meeting.

Draft Bowen Therapy and homeopathy evidence evaluations

The NHMRC presented the draft Bowen Therapy and homeopathy evidence evaluations.
Members commented that the reports are well written with a respectful tone, easy to read and suggested minor improvements for consumer readability. The NHMRC will proceed to finalise the evaluation with the evidence reviewers.

Progress and timing of the Review

Research protocols
• All protocols finalised.

Outcome prioritisation
• All outcome prioritisation finalised.

Draft evidence evaluations
• Alexander Technique, Buteyko, Feldenkrais, Kinesiology and Reflexology currently being drafted and expected to be provided to NTREAP in July and August 2024.

Final evidence evaluations
• Final evidence evaluations for Bowen Therapy, homeopathy, naturopathy Review B and western herbal medicine to be finalised following NTREAP input.
• Final evidence evaluations completed for Pilates, Rolfing, iridology, shiatsu, tai chi, yoga, naturopathy Review A and aromatherapy.

Wed 15/05/2024 Natural Therapies Review - stakeholder update

A stakeholder meeting was held on May 7th following the two NTREAP meetings in April. The first covered the evidence for Naturopathy B and Western Herbal Medicine. There will be a meeting in June which will discuss Reflexology, Bowen Technique, Buteyko, Feldenkrais and Alexander Technique. The reports for Pilates, Yoga & Tai Chi have been finalised, Shiatsu is almost complete, Homeopathy and Kinesiology reports are being drafted.

It is anticipated that the final report will be reviewed by Prof Michael Kidd and presented to the government in September. Hopefully it will then be publicly released.

Tues 06/02/2024 Natural Therapies Review - stakeholder update

In the recent 2024 stakeholder update the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) secretariat have advised that significant progress was made on the Review in 2023. The progress status for each of the 16 therapies within the Review was outlined with the deliverables completed or commenced in 2023.

All draft evidence evaluations have either been completed or commenced apart from Buteyko and Kinesiology. All draft evidence evaluations on track to be completed by the end of June 2024 with the finals not far behind. The Department intends to hold several NTREAP meetings leading up to June 2024 for NTREAP to provide input to all the draft evidence evaluations.

For Pilates, the final evidence evaluation report is complete but still subject to consideration (with all other therapies) by Professor Kidd and recommendation to Government.

The next NTREAP meeting is scheduled for late February 2024 focusing on the homeopathy and western herbal medicine draft evidence evaluations. The PAA will attend the follow up stakeholder meeting and advise any relevant updates.

Wed 11/10/2023 Natural Therapies Review - update

At the tenth stakeholder update teleconference on Friday 11 August 2023 the Department advised the evidence evaluations for naturopathy Review A, tai chi and yoga were being finalised and research protocols were being prepared for Buteyko, Bowen Therapy, Feldenkrais and kinesiology.

The naturopathy Review A evaluation has now been finalised as have the research protocols for Buteyko, Bowen Therapy and Feldenkrais.

Links to the protocols are available on PROSPERO at the links below along with the comprehensive protocol for Naturopathy review B (previously the summary was only available):


Bowen Therapy:


Naturopathy review B:

The evidence evaluations for tai chi and yoga and research protocol for Kinesiology are still being finalised and we will advise when they are completed.

Wed 02/08/2023: Natural Therapies Review Stakeholder meeting report

On 2 August 2023, the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) held its eighth meeting by videoconference.

The following is a summary of the outcomes arising from the meeting.

Progress and timing of the Review

The NTREAP noted for the 16 therapies under review:

Research protocols

  • finalisation of the research protocol for Kinesiology is expected in August 2023.

Outcome prioritisation

  • NTREAP provided input to the outcomes prioritisation on reflexology.
  • outcomes prioritisation is underway for naturopathy review B (selected nutritional supplements) and Alexander Technique is expected to be provided to for NTREAP input in the coming weeks (late August 2023).

Draft evidence evaluations

  • draft evidence evaluations being prepared for western herbal medicine and homeopathy and are expected to be provided to NTREAP for consideration progressively from late August.
  • draft evidence evaluations completed for aromatherapy and shiatsu, and input provided by NTREAP.

Final evidence evaluations

  • final evidence evaluation for tai chi and naturopathy (review A – whole practice) currently being finalised.
  • final evidence evaluations completed for Pilates, Rolfing and iridology
  • all evidence evaluations expected to be completed by December 2023.

Indicative reporting timeframe

  • The Chair report to Government is anticipated to be provided in early 2024.

Draft aromatherapy and shiatsu evidence evaluations

The NHMRC presented the draft aromatherapy and shiatsu evidence evaluations, and they were considered by NTREAP.

Members suggested some formatting and edits, recommending simplifying the Plain Language Summaries by referencing some definitions.

The NHMRC will proceed to finalise the evaluations with the evidence reviewers.

Mon 19/09/2022: Natural Therapies Review general update

Whilst there has been no official communication with the stakeholders for some time, we understand that much work has been going on behind the scenes.

News from the Secretariat in May stated: “The first evidence evaluations for both Pilates and Rolfing have both been reviewed by NTREAP (Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel) and the NTWC (Natural Therapies Working Committee) and are currently being finalised by the evidence reviewers.

NTREAP are continuing to provide out-of-session feedback on the draft research protocols, priority conditions/outcomes and draft evidence evaluations for other therapies within scope of the Review. The NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council) are also continuing to work with the NTWC and evidence reviewers, incorporating NTREAP feedback.

As advised in the February stakeholder update, the Department expects the next meeting of NTREAP will focus on feedback on the next batch of draft evidence evaluations. The Department will advise stakeholders by email as soon as the NTREAP meeting is scheduled. This email will include a brief update on Review progress and also a proposed date for the formal stakeholder update teleconference to follow the NTREAP meeting.

Minutes from the most recent Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel held in February 2022: NTREAP Meeting Outcomes 10 February 2022

NHMRC Natural Therapies Working Committee Terms of Reference

Thurs 01/01/2022: Natural Therapies Review general update

The focus of the next Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) meeting on February 10 will be a review of the draft evidence evaluations for Pilates and Rolfing.

Below is a table updating the progress status for each therapy, showing that Pilates & Rolfing are the most advanced of the reviews.

Table legend:

S – Started for outcomes prioritisation

1 = stage 1: outcome domains

2 = stage 2: outcome measures

– Completed

Natural TherapyReviewer procurementResearch protocolPrioritisationEvaluation reports
RolfingNot requiredS
Tai chi2
Western herbal medicineS
ShiatsuNot required1

Naturopathy - Review A

Naturopathy - Review B
(selected complementary medicines)

AromatherapyNot required1
KinesiologyApproach to market February 2022
Alexander Therapy
Bowen Therapy

Our thanks go to Dr Penny Latey whose ongoing contribution to this review as a member of NTREAP, has been invaluable.

Robyn Rix
Chair of Research

Thurs 01/07/2021: Natural Therapies Review stakeholder update

On June 9th, the PAA President & I attended the first stakeholder meeting for NTREAP in quite some time. Pilates seems to be well ahead of many of the other modalities regarding progress. This is in large part due to the enormous & concerted effort by Dr Penny Latey & I to provide information as requested.

The protocols for the review have been completed and can be viewed here:

Protocols have also been developed for yoga, tai chi, shiatsu, western herbal medicine & rolfing.

Due to the large volume of studies available on Pilates & Yoga, it was necessary for some populations & conditions to be prioritised. This work has been completed for Pilates & Yoga.

In order to make the evaluation of the research manageable, we were also asked to identify the top seven outcomes for each condition. Pilates was the only modality where this work had been completed.

The next meeting of Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel is scheduled for 27 July 2021. We are expecting the next stakeholder update in late July following that meeting.

Robyn Rix
Chair of Research

Wed 4/11/2020: Natural Therapies Review stakeholder update

Following the recent NTREAP meeting held on 21 Oct, the Dept of Health hosted a stakeholder update teleconference on Wednesday 4 Nov, PAA president, Sharan Simmons attended. The Dept of Health team provided an overview of the outcomes for the NTREAP meeting and an update on the progress of the NHMRC.

We were advised the call for evidence for Tranche 2 natural therapies had closed on 23 Oct 2020. This included Alexander technique, aromatherapy, Bowen therapy, Buteyko, Feldenkrais, homeopathy, iridology, kinesiology and reflexology.

The relevant points for Pilates are outlined below and the link to the full NTREAP meeting outcomes is available

Progress and timing of the Review

The NTREAP noted the:

  • extended timeframes for the Review until mid-late 2021
  • next meeting of the NTREAP is planned for February 2021, and is likely to focus on consideration of Tranche 1 draft evidence evaluation reports which includes Pilates

Draft Research Protocols

The NTREAP discussed issues relating to evidence analysis for further consideration by the NHMRC including:

  • subgroup analysis;
  • article screening process involving two reviewers to reduce bias; and
  • non-English studies where abstracts unable to be readily translated.

The NTREAP noted the:

  • guidance provided to support member input on outcomes prioritisation;
  • inclusion of prevention outcomes for at-risk populations

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Penny Latey for the enormous amount of time & effort she has dedicated in a voluntary capacity to the NTREAP process. She has been instrumental in ensuring the voice of Pilates instructors is heard.

Fri 23/10/2020: Stakeholder meeting report and general update

After delays attributed to COVID-19, the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) met this week, Wed 21 October 2020.

Recently, PAA Research Chair, Robyn Rix and President, Sharan Simmons attended the fourth Natural Therapies Review stakeholder teleconference, the broad update provided included:

  • New lead of the Natural Therapies Review appointed – Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Michael Kidd. Professor Brendan Murphy is now Secretary of the Department of Health.
  • Finalisation of Tranche 1 research protocols for Pilates, Rolfing, tai chi and yoga have been published on PROSPERO,
  • Tranche 1 Call for Evidence completed – Publication of submitted research citations on Health Department’s website has been delayed until finalisation of research protocols (now complete)- Pilates, Rolfing, tai chi and yoga to be published shortly.
  • Tranche 2 Call for Evidence has been open for four weeks from 28 September 2020 and is closing today, 23 October 2020.
  • The Health Department anticipates the Natural Therapies Review will not be completed by the end of 2020, as originally announced by Minister Hunt and is anticipating it is likely to be completed around mid-2021.

The PAA have concerns about the lack of consultation on the research protocols and the advice that they are final and have expressed our concerns directly to the NTR secretariat.

The research protocols were published on Prospero in July and notification of this has only just been provided. NTREAP members were also not advised the research protocols had been finalised and published.

We have also noted that there are issues with some aspects of the protocols and Robyn Rix, PAA Treasurer and Research Chair has drafted a response to The Natural Therapies Review secretariat explaining these concerns.

Mon 03/02/2020: Stakeholder meeting report

Sharan Simmons (President) and Robyn Rix (Treasurer/Research) attended the teleconference for stakeholders on 31 January 2020. The Health Department Natural Therapy Review team reviewed the summary of the 16 January meeting and answered questions, providing more insight into the process and timetable.

The next NTREAP meeting will be scheduled in April. **no date is set yet

Third Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) Meeting Outcomes Summary: Meeting Outcomes 16 January 2020

Thurs 30/01/2020: Consultation period: Call for evidence

Consultation Period: Call for evidence for the Natural Therapies Review 2019-20 – tranche 1 natural therapies (including Pilates)

The consultation period for the call for evidence commenced on Monday 27 January 2020 and will close on 21 February 2020. Robyn Rix (Treasurer) has been tirelessly working on collating new and existing Pilates research evidence whilst also liaising with Penny Latey (NTREAP). The Health Department is inviting stakeholders to submit citations for published scientific research studies for consideration in the Natural Therapies Review 2019-20.
If PAA members are aware of any new scientific research studies to include please contact the PAA We will cross check that all relevant studies are included and submitted to the Natural Therapies Review.

Third stakeholder update teleconference
The Department is holding a third stakeholder teleconference on 31 January, to provide an update for stakeholders on the progress of the Natural Therapies Review 2019-20. The Outcome Summary of the NTREAP meeting (16 January 2020) will be shared with members as soon as it is available.

Thurs 12/12/2019: 28 November 2019 Meeting outcomes

Thursday 12 December 2019

The second NTREAP meeting was held on 28 November and a summary of outcomes was distributed to stakeholders:

Link: NTREAP meeting outcomes 28-november-2019

Following the meeting the Department of Health facilitated a teleconference on 12 December to update stakeholders on the Review. The most notable information was that the NHMRC had developed a comprehensive tiered methodology to review the available research, starting with Systematic Reviews, the highest level of evidence, followed by RCT (randomised control trial) and then non RCT if insufficient evidence was available. The final research protocols will be published in Feb 2020.

Robyn Rix is compiling the research studies ready for submission in early 2020.

If you have any questions please contact us on, or email the secretariat directly:

Thurs 07/11/2019: Natural Therapies Working Committee Announced

Thursday 7 November 2019

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has announced the members of the Natural Therapies Working Committee. The NHMRC Natural Therapies Working Committee will oversee research evaluations on the clinical effectiveness of natural therapies which were excluded from private health insurance rebates from 1 April 2019.

The research evaluations are being prepared for the Department of Health for the Natural Therapies Review 2019-20 – an update to the 2014-15 review to assess additional evidence of the clinical effectiveness of the 16 excluded natural therapies.

For more information including the list of committee members: Natural Therapies Working Committee

Second NTREAP meeting

The Department has scheduled the second Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) meeting for Thursday 28 November 2019 in Melbourne.

The next stakeholder teleconference on the progress of the Natural Therapies Review 2019-20 is expected to be held 2-3 weeks after this meeting. Closer to the date of the NTREAP meeting the Department will confirm the date/time of the stakeholder teleconference and invite organisations to arrange for a representative to participate.

Fri 20/09/2019: First stakeholder teleconference

Friday 20 September 2019

On Friday 20 September the Department of Health scheduled the first of what are planned to be regular teleconferences to provide updates for interested stakeholders on the progress of the Natural Therapies Review 2019-20. Brian Kelleher from the Private Health Insurance department of the Health Department spoke to the NTREAP Meeting Outcomes summary from 11 September meeting (see below). Also in attendance were about 20 association representatives from the excluded natural therapies plus representatives from APA and ESSA.

The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Brendan Murphy has directed regular engagement with stakeholders. The purpose of the teleconferences is to provide stakeholders with information on the progress of the review and advise what will be discussed at meetings and information to be provided.

The CMO has selected the panel members to provide a good cross section of expertise representing each natural therapy included. The full list of NTREAP members is available on the Health Department website. The NTREAP panel is one point of engagement for stakeholders, the secretariat will also accept research and questions.

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), who will conduct the review of research, are observers at NTREAP meetings to allow close alignment. The NHMRC membership is expected to be published next week; 2 members of the NTREAP, Prof Wardle and Prof Bensoussan will also be a part of the NHMRC.

NHMRC is commencing work to develop research protocols during October and this is expected to be made public in November. The NTREAP will meet again in November to review the protocols and stakeholders would anticipate an update following this meeting. Stakeholders have been advised to provide research a) that was NOT included in the previous review or b) has been published since the previous review.

The PAA is collating a database of eligible research and welcomes submissions from members which will then be sent on to the secretariat. Please email Robyn Rix with any suggested research after ensuring it is not already listed below.

The CMO and NTREAP are expected to meet late February 2020 and then mid year (before financial year end) depending on the progress of the work of the NHMRC. We were advised to anticipate at least 3 more check ins for stakeholders.

There was also time for questions which generally addressed what type of evidence would be considered, we were reminded that the focus for the review was to determine if there is evidence to support clinical efficacy of individual natural therapies to determine if the therapy may be reinstated.

I will keep you all updated as I receive more information. Please reply to if you have any items you feel need to be addressed.

Sharan Simmons

PAA President

Mon 16/09/2019: NTREAP Panel Announced

Monday 16 September 2019

The Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) has been announced and met for the first time on Wednesday 11 September 2019. The panel includes representatives from various natural therapies that were excluded following the findings of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) report 2015, public health academics, government representatives and a consumer advocate. Dr Penelope Latey has been appointed from the Pilates profession.

An updated systematic review on any further evidence (published since the 2015 review was completed) and evidence missed during that review, will be undertaken by the NHMRC over the next few months. The NTREAP meeting discussed the importance of providing good quality evidence on the efficacy of any currently excluded natural therapies to enable these therapies to be reappraised for possible inclusion as a claimable item by Private Health Fund (PHI) insurers.

All excluded natural therapies will need to ensure that they submit good quality evidence, from peer reviewed Journals to support this process.

A list of research already compiled by the PAA for the Review can be found below.

The Pilates profession can assist in this process by advising of any research we may have missed. The criteria are as follows:

  • studies completed from 2013 to now
  • available in English
  • published in a peer reviewed journal
  • meeting the standards as set out by Cochrane. (The Cochrane website offers a large amount of information about research evidence and how it is evaluated as well as a library of systematic reviews on many health care topics, and it is well worth viewing their ‘What are systematic reviews’ video.)

If you find a study that meets these criteria and is not included in our list, please send an email with the author & title of the study to

Pilates will be in the first tranche to be reviewed, along with naturopathy, western herbalism, yoga, Tai Chi and Shiatsu. A committee will coordinate findings and present results to the NTREAP and the NHMRC group, completing the review by the end of October this year.

We look forward to your support in this process to ensure that Pilates that is provided by comprehensively trained Pilates teachers is recognised as a standalone profession. Participating in the Natural Therapies Review is a positive step for Pilates being recognised as a valid, safe and therapeutic intervention contributing to health and wellness.

Sharan Simmons

PAA President

Recent Pilates Research

After collating the research for the Natural Therapies review, we have continued to monitor research on Pilates. We are working on a new website which is planned to allow searchable fields for research into Pilates.

As we build this capability, we will publish here a list of new research that has been added to our database.

Stay tuned for more information.


2022 Pilates Research

‘Pain neuroscience education and graded exposure versus Pilates and postural education: A pilot study in an occupational context’, Alves, S.M., Puentedura, E.J. and Silva, A.G. (2022), Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 0(0), pp. 1–12. Available at:

‘Impact of Clinical Pilates Exercise on Pain, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Functional Ability, and Quality of Life in Children with Polyarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis’, Azab, A.R. et al. (2022), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), p. 7793. Available at:

‘The management of lower back pain using pilates method: assessment of content exercise reporting in RCTs’, Barros, B.S. de et al. (2022), Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(11), pp. 2428–2436. Available at:

Comparison of Pilates and dance aerobics on peak expiratory flow rate, body composition, and core strength in overweight and Grade 1 obese individuals – A randomized control trial. Baxi (no date), Available at:;year=2021;volume=6;issue=2;spage=121;epage=126;aulast=Baxi (Accessed: 2 August 2022).

Do patients with fibromyalgia have body image and tactile acuity distortion? – PubMed (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 10 November 2022).

‘Six weeks of Pilates improved functional mobility, postural balance and spatiotemporal parameters of gait to decrease the risk of falls in healthy older adults’, Donatoni da Silva, L. et al. (2022), Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 29, pp. 1–9. Available at:

‘The Effect of Social Appearance Anxiety on Psychological Well-Being: A Study on Women Doing Regular Pilates Activities’, Duyan, M., Ilkim, M. and Çelik, T. (2022), Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(02), pp. 797–797. Available at:

Effect of Breathing Pattern and Posture on Abdominal Muscle Activation and Intra-abdominal Pressure (2022). Available at:

Effect of Pilates exercises with celery seed on antinuclear antibody levels in middle-aged women (2022). Available at:

‘The Role of Exercise in Treating Low Back Pain’, Essman, M. and Lin, C.Y. (2022), Current Sports Medicine Reports, 21(8), pp. 267–271. Available at:

‘The Effects of a Pilates Exercise Program on Pain, Functional Capacity, and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors One Year Postsurgery’, Ferreira de Rezende, L. et al. (2022), Oncology Nursing Forum, 49(2), pp. 125–131. Available at:

‘The Effect of Schroth Exercises on Cobb Angle, Quality of Life, and Functional Capacity in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials’, Ghorayeb, J. et al. (2022), 19, pp. 22–39.

‘Knee, low back and disabling pain and their associated factors in instructors of gym clubs: a census study’, Häfele, V. et al. (2022a), Cadernos Saúde Coletiva [Preprint], (AHEAD).

‘PILATES METHOD IMPROVES PHYSICAL CAPACITY AND ANTI-OXIDATIVE SYSTEM IN ELDERLY WOMEN’, Lacchini, S. et al. (2022), Journal of Hypertension, 40(Suppl 1), p. e65. Available at:

‘Comparação eletromiográfica entre posturas do método pilates executadas em diferentes ambientes: Electromyographic comparison between pilates method postures executed in different environments’, Magalhães, Á.B. et al. (2022), STUDIES IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY REVIEW, 3(3), pp. 741–761. Available at:

‘Mat Pilates and belly dance: Effects on patient-reported outcomes among breast cancer survivors receiving hormone therapy and adherence to exercise’ (2022) Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: 10 November 2022).

‘Medical Flossing and the Pilates Method: Their Effectiveness on the Strength, Endurance, and Functionality of Healthy Individuals’, Muacevic, A. et al. (no date) Cureus, 13(4), pp. 0–0. Available at:

‘Which type of mind-body exercise is most effective in improving functional performance and quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease? A systematic review with network meta-analysis’,Mustafaoglu, R., Ahmed, I. and Pang, M.Y.C. (2022),  Acta Neurologica Belgica [Preprint]. Available at:

‘What modifies the effect of an exercise treatment for chronic low back pain? A meta-epidemiologic regression analysis of risk of bias and comparative effectiveness’, Niederer, D., Weippert, M. and Behrens, M. (2022), Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy [Preprint]. Available at:

‘Pilates Exercises Improves Anticipatory Muscular Activation in Elderly Women: A RCT Study’, Noghani, N., Sheikhhoseini, R. and Babakhani, F. (2022), Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics, 0(0), pp. 1–16. Available at:

‘Benefits of Pilates in the Elderly Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis’, Pereira, M.J. et al. (2022), European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 12(3), pp. 236–268. Available at:

Pilates vs yoga: How do the two practices affect the body? – Researc (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 16 August 2022).

Prostate cancer cases risk late detection due to misleading urinary (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 16 August 2022).

‘Feasibility of Pilates for Late-Stage Frail Older Adults to Minimize Falls and Enhance Cognitive Functions’, Sarashina, E. et al. (2022),  Applied Sciences, 12(13), p. 6716. Available at:

‘The effects of Pilates training on respiratory muscle strength in patients with ankylosing spondylitis’ (2022) Physiotherapy Theory and Practice [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: 16 August 2022).

Natural Therapies Review Research list

Last updated 21 December 2019

Name of studyYear publishedAuthors
Yoga and other meditative movement therapies to reduce chronic pain.2017Achilefu A; Joshi K; Meier M; McCarthy LH, The Journal Of The Oklahoma State Medical Association [J Okla State Med Assoc], ISSN: 0030-1876, 2017 Jan; Vol. 110 (1), pp. 14-16; Publisher: Oklahoma State Medical Association; PMID: 28190896
Some Effects of Supplemental Pilates Training on the Posture, Strength, and Flexibility of Dancers 17 to 22 Years of Age.2018Ahearn EL, Greene A, Lasner A. (2018) Journal of Dance Medicine & Science 22(4), 192-202.
Comparison of the Effect of Acupressure and Pilates-Based Exercises on Sleep Quality of Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized ControlledTrial.2017Ahmadinezhad M; Kargar M; Vizeshfar F; Hadianfard MJ, Iranian Journal Of Nursing And Midwifery Research [Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res], ISSN: 1735-9066, 2017 Mar-Apr; Vol. 22 (2), pp. 140-146; Publisher: Medknow Publications; PMID: 28584553
Effects of Pilates training on sleep quality, anxiety, depression and fatigue in postmenopausal women: A randomized controlled trial.2019Aibar-Almazán A; Hita-Contreras F; Cruz-Díaz D; de la Torre-Cruz M; Jiménez-García JD; Martínez-Amat A, Maturitas [Maturitas], ISSN: 1873-4111, 2019 Jun; Vol. 124, pp. 62-67; Publisher: Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; PMID: 31097181
Effects of Pilates on fall risk factors in community-dwelling elderly women: A randomized, controlled trial.2019Aibar-Almazán A; Martínez-Amat A; Cruz-Díaz D; De la Torre-Cruz MJ; Jiménez-García JD; Zagalaz-Anula N; Pérez-Herrezuelo I; Hita-Contreras F, European Journal Of Sport Science [Eur J Sport Sci], ISSN: 1536-7290, 2019 Apr 16, pp. 1-9; Publisher: Routledge/Taylor & Francis; PMID: 30990762
Pilates-based exercise for persistent, non-specific low back pain and associated functional disability: a meta-analysis with meta-regression2013Aladro-Gonzalvo AR, Araya-Vargas GA, Machado-Diaz M, Salazar-Rojas W
A study to analyse the efficacy of modified Pilates based exercises and therapeutic exercises in individuals with chronic non specific low back pain: a randomized controlled trial2014Albert Anand U, Mariet Caroline P, Arun B, Lakshmi Gomathi G (International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research,Int J Physiother Res 2014, Vol 2(3):525-29. ISSN 2321-1822)
Effect of Pilates training on people with ankylosing spondylitis2013Altan L, et al. (2012). Rheumatol Int 32(7): 2093-2099.
Application of Pilates principles increases paraspinal muscle activation2015Andrade LS, et al. (2015) . J Bodywork Move Ther 19(1): 62-66.
The effects of clinical Pilates exercises on bone mineral density, physical performance and quality of life of women with postmenopausal osteoporosisTBAAngin E, Erden Z, Can F
Effects of resistance training, tai chi chuan and mat pilates on multiple health variables in postmenopausal women2018Araujo-Gomez RC, et al. (2018) . Journal of Human Sport and Exercise Vol 0, Iss 0 (2018)(0).
Timed-daily ingestion of whey protein and exercise training reduces visceral adipose tissue mass and improves insulin resistance: the PRISE studyTBAArciero PJ, Baur D, Connelly S, Ormsbee MJ
Pilates Exercise Improves Hip Joint Flexion Mobility in Rugby Players2018Arihiro H, et al. (2018) . Advances in Exercise & Sports Physiology 24(3): 45-49.
Effectiveness of Manual Therapy and Therapeutic Exercise for Temporomandibular Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.2016Armijo-Olivo S; Pitance L; Singh V; Neto F; Thie N; Michelotti A, Physical Therapy [Phys Ther], ISSN: 1538-6724, 2016 Jan; Vol. 96 (1), pp. 9-25; Publisher: Oxford University Press; PMID: 26294683
The effects of Pilates exercise on sleep quality in postpartum womenTBAAshrafinia F, Mirmohammadali M, Rajabi H, Kazemnejad A, Sadeghniiat Haghighi K, Amelvalizadeh M, Chen H
Effect of Pilates exercises on postpartum maternal fatigue.2015Ashrafinia F, Mirmohammadali M, Rajabi H, Kazemnejad A, Sadeghniiat Haghighi K, Amelvalizadeh M. Singapore Med J. 2015 Mar;56(3):169-73.
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Examining the postural awareness and flexibility changes in physical therapy students who took clinical Pilates class2017Atilgan E, et al. (2017). Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 33(3), 640-644.
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The Pilates breathing technique increases the electromyographic amplitude level of the deep abdominal muscles in untrained people2015Barbosa AWC, et al. (2015) . J Bodywork Move Ther 19(1): 57-61.
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Feasibility of Pilates exercise to decrease falls risk: a pilot randomized controlled trial in community-dwelling older people.2016Barker AL; Talevski J; Bohensky MA; Brand CA; Cameron PA; Morello RT, Clinical Rehabilitation [Clin Rehabil], ISSN: 1477-0873, 2016 Oct; Vol. 30 (10), pp. 984-996; Publisher: SAGE Publications; PMID: 26385357
The Acute Effects of Mat Pilates on Hemodynamic and Salivary Nitrite Responses After Exercise in Postmenopausal Women2019Batista JP, et al. (2019). J Aging Phys Act: 1-7.
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Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) position statement on exercise prescription for the prevention and management of osteoporosis2017Beck BR, et al. (2017) . J Sci Med Sport 20(5): 438-445.
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Are Pilates and yoga right for clients with low bone density?2015Betz SR. (2015) IDEA Fitness Journal Sept; pp. 80-84.
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Pilates exercises improve low back pain and quality of life in patients with HTLV-1 virus: a randomized crossover clinical trial2014Borges J, Baptista AF, Santana N, Souza I, Kruschewsky RA, Galvao-Castro B, Sa KN (J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2014 Jan;18(1):68-74. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2013.05.010. Epub 2013 Jun 5.)
Effects of Mat Pilates on Physical Functional Performance of Older Adults: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.2018Bueno de Souza RO; Marcon LF; Arruda ASF; Pontes Junior FL; Melo RC, American Journal Of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation [Am J Phys Med Rehabil], ISSN: 1537-7385, 2018 Jun; Vol. 97 (6), pp. 414-425; Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; PMID: 29283899
The effects of Mat Pilates and Reformer Pilates in patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A randomized controlled study.2017Bulguroglu I, Guclu-Gunduz A, Yazici G, Ozkul C, Irkec C, Nazliel B, Batur-Caglayan HZ. NeuroRehabilitation. 2017;41(2):413-422. doi: 10.3233/NRE-162121.
The effects of Pilates exercise training on physical fitness and wellbeing in the elderly: A systematic review for future exercise prescription.2015Bullo V, Bergamin M, Gobbo S, Sieverdes JC, Zaccaria M, Neunhaeuserer D, Ermolao A. Prev Med. 2015 Jun;75:1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2015.03.002. Epub 2015 Mar 12. Review.
Is Pilates an effective rehabilitation tool? A systematic review.2018Byrnes K; Wu PJ; Whillier S, Journal Of Bodywork And Movement Therapies [J Bodyw Mov Ther], ISSN: 1532-9283, 2018 Jan; Vol. 22 (1), pp. 192-202; Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; PMID: 29332746
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Effects of Pilates method in physical fitness on older adults. A systematic review.2014Cancela J, et al. (2014) European Reviews of Aging & Physical Activity 11(2): 81-94.
Feasibility and Efficacy of Mat Pilates on People with Mild-to-Moderate Parkinson's Disease: A Preliminary Study.2018Cancela JM; Mollinedo Cardalda I; Ayán C; de Oliveira IM, Rejuvenation Research [Rejuvenation Res], ISSN: 1557-8577, 2018 Apr; Vol. 21 (2), pp. 109-116; Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert Inc.; PMID: 28712331
Respiratory pattern of diaphragmatic breathing and Pilates breathing in COPD subjects2014Cancelliero-Gaiad Karina M, et al. (2014) . Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia Sao Carlos (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 18(4): 291-299. (Prospective, Randomized Crossover Trial)
Muscle strategies for leg extensions on a Reformer apparatus2015Cantergi D, et al. (2015) . J Electromyogr Kinesiol Apr;25(2):260-4.
Pilates vs. muscular training in older women. Effects in functional factors and the cognitive interaction: A randomized controlled trial.2019Carrasco-Poyatos M; Rubio-Arias JA; Ballesta-García I; Ramos-Campo DJ, Physiology & Behavior [Physiol Behav], ISSN: 1873-507X, 2019 Mar 15; Vol. 201, pp. 157-164; Publisher: Elsevier Science; PMID: 30529737
Ottawa Panel Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Structured Physical Activity in the Management of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.2017Cavallo S; Brosseau L; Toupin-April K; Wells GA; Smith CA; Pugh AG; Stinson J; Thomas R; Ahmed S; Duffy CM; Rahman P; Àlvarez-Gallardo IC; Loew L; De Angelis G; Feldman DE; Majnemer A; Gagnon IJ; Maltais D; Mathieu MÈ; Kenny GP; Tupper S; Whitney-Mahoney K; Bigford S, Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation [Arch Phys Med Rehabil], ISSN: 1532-821X, 2017 May; Vol. 98 (5), pp. 1018-1041; Publisher: W.B. Saunders; PMID: 27932265
The effectiveness of Pilates for partial anterior cruciate ligament injury.2017Çelik D & Turkel N. (2015) Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Aug 1.
Effects of the Pilates method on neck pain: a systematic review2017Cemin NF, Detogni Schmit EF, Tarrago Candotti C
Comparison between specific exercises and physical therapy for managing patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials2016Chang W-D, Tsou Y-A, Lee C-L
Effectiveness of Pilates training in improving hamstring flexibility of football players2015Chinnavan E, Gopaladhas S, Kaikondan P
Intra-abdominal pressure during Pilates: unlikely to cause pelvic floor harm2015Coleman TJ, et al. (2015). Int Urogynecol J.
Comparative effects of 12 weeks of equipment based and mat Pilates in patients with Chronic Low Back Pain on pain, function and transversus abdominis activation. A randomized controlled trial.2017Cruz-Díaz D; Bergamin M; Gobbo S; Martínez-Amat A; Hita-Contreras F, Complementary Therapies In Medicine [Complement Ther Med], ISSN: 1873-6963, 2017 Aug; Vol. 33, pp. 72-77; Publisher: Elsevier; PMID: 28735829
Effects of a six-week Pilates intervention on balance and fear of falling in women aged over 65 with chronic low-back pain: A randomized controlled trial.2015Cruz-Díaz D; Martínez-Amat A; De la Torre-Cruz MJ; Casuso RA; de Guevara NM; Hita-Contreras F, Maturitas [Maturitas], ISSN: 1873-4111, 2015 Dec; Vol. 82 (4), pp. 371-6; Publisher: Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; PMID: 26277254
Short- and long-term effects of a six-week clinical Pilates program in addition to physical therapy on postmenopausal women with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial.2016Cruz-Díaz D; Martínez-Amat A; Osuna-Pérez MC; De la Torre-Cruz MJ; Hita-Contreras F, Disability And Rehabilitation [Disabil Rehabil], ISSN: 1464-5165, 2016; Vol. 38 (13), pp. 1300-8; Publisher: Taylor & Francis; PMID: 26474232
The effectiveness of 12?weeks of Pilates intervention on disability, pain and kinesiophobia in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial.2018Cruz-Díaz D; Romeu M; Velasco-González C; Martínez-Amat A; Hita-Contreras F, Clinical Rehabilitation [Clin Rehabil], ISSN: 1477-0873, 2018 Sep; Vol. 32 (9), pp. 1249-1257; Publisher: SAGE Publications; PMID: 29651872
Does Pilates-Based Exercise Improve Postural Alignment in Adult Women? Women & Health2013Cruz-Ferreira A et al. (2013) Aug; 53(6): 597-611. (Randomized Controlled Trial)
Effects of 16-weeks of Pilates on functional autonomy and life satisfaction among elderly women.2018Curi VS; Haas AN; Alves-Vilaça J; Fernandes HM, Journal Of Bodywork And Movement Therapies [J Bodyw Mov Ther], ISSN: 1532-9283, 2018 Apr; Vol. 22 (2), pp. 424-429; Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; PMID: 29861245
Effects of 16-weeks of Pilates on health perception and sleep quality among elderly women.2018Curi VS; Vilaça J; Haas AN; Fernandes HM, Archives Of Gerontology And Geriatrics [Arch Gerontol Geriatr], ISSN: 1872-6976, 2018 Jan; Vol. 74, pp. 118-122; Publisher: Elsevier Biomedical Press; PMID: 29096225
Analysis of activities in the daily lives of older adults exposed to the Pilates Method2014Curi-Perez, et al. (2014) . J Bodywork Move Ther 18(3): 326-331.
Effect of the Pilates method on women with temporomandibular disorders: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.2016da Costa LMR; Schimit EFD; Souza C; Wagner Neto ES; de Souza da Silva L; Candotti CT; Loss JF, Journal Of Bodywork And Movement Therapies [J Bodyw Mov Ther], ISSN: 1532-9283, 2016 Jan; Vol. 20 (1), pp. 110-114; Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; PMID: 26891645
Effectiveness of mat Pilates or equipment-based Pilates exercises in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomized controlled trial2014da Luz MA, Costa LOP, Fuhro FF, Manzoni ACT, Oliveira NTB, Cabral CMN (Phys Ther. 2014 May;94(5):623-31. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20130277. Epub 2014 Jan 16.)
Outcomes of a pilates-based intervention for individuals with lateral epicondylosis: A pilot study.2015Dale LM, Mikuski C, Miller J. Work. 2015;53(1):163-74.
Comparison of the effects of two selected exercises of Theraband and Pilates on the balance and strength of lower limb in elderly women) [Persian]2015Dashti P, Shabani M, Moazami M
Benefits of Pilates in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2019David Suárez-Iglesias, Kyle J Miller, ,Manuel Seijo-Martínez, Carlos Ayán
The influence of inspiratory muscle training combined with the Pilates method on lung function in elderly women: A randomized controlled trial.2018de Alvarenga GM; Charkovski SA; Santos LKD; Silva MABD; Tomaz GO; Gamba HR, Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil) [Clinics (Sao Paulo)], ISSN: 1980-5322, 2018; Vol. 73, pp. e356; Publisher: Hospital das Cli?nicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sa?o Paulo; PMID: 29924184
Effectiveness of the Pilates Method in the Treatment of Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial.2018de Araujo Cazotti L; Jones A; Roger-Silva D; Ribeiro LHC; Natour J, Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation [Arch Phys Med Rehabil], ISSN: 1532-821X, 2018 Sep; Vol. 99 (9), pp. 1740-1746; Publisher: W.B. Saunders; PMID: 29752907
Immediate effect of a Pilates method exercise session on the co-contraction pattern of the trunk stabilizing muscles in individuals with and without nonspecific chronic low back pain2018de Barros Silveira AP, et al. (2018). Fisioterapia e Pesquisa 25(2): 173-181. (Portuguese)
Effects of Pilates method in elderly people: Systematic review of randomized controlled trials.2015de Oliveira Francisco C; de Almeida Fagundes A; Gorges B, Journal Of Bodywork And Movement Therapies [J Bodyw Mov Ther], ISSN: 1532-9283, 2015 Jul; Vol. 19 (3), pp. 500-8; Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; PMID: 26118523
Effects of Pilates on muscle strength, postural balance and quality of life of older adults: a randomized, controlled, clinical trialTBAde Oliveira LC, Goncalves de Oliveira R, de Almeida Pires-Oliveira DA
Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Versus Pilates Exercise on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized and Controlled Clinical Trial.2019de Oliveira LC; de Oliveira RG; de Almeida Pires-Oliveira DA, Journal Of Geriatric Physical Therapy (2001) [J Geriatr Phys Ther], ISSN: 2152-0895, 2019 Apr/Jun; Vol. 42 (2), pp. E23-E31; Publisher: Section on Geriatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association; PMID: 29443867
Pilates method in the community: effect on the body posture of elderly women2018de Oliveira LMN, et al. (2018) . Fisioterapia e Pesquisa 25(3): 315-322. (Portuguese)
The effectiveness of general physical exercise for individuals with chronic neck pain: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials2018de Zoete RMJ, Brown L, Oliveira K, Penglaze L, Rex R, Sawtell B, Sullivan T
The effects of a novel Pilates exercise prescription method on people with non-specific unilateral musculoskeletal pain: a randomised pilot trial2016Devasahayam AJ, Ho DRY, Leung EYS, Goh MR, Koh P
A Pilates exercise program with pelvic floor muscle contraction: Is it effective for pregnant women? A randomized controlled trial.2018Dias NT; Ferreira LR; Fernandes MG; Resende APM; Pereira-Baldon VS, Neurourology And Urodynamics [Neurourol Urodyn], ISSN: 1520-6777, 2018 Jan; Vol. 37 (1), pp. 379-384; Publisher: Alan R. Liss; PMID: 28543751
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Pilates vs. Balance Training in Health Community-Dwelling Seniors: a 3-arm, Randomized ControlledTrial.2016Donath L; Roth R; Hürlimann C; Zahner L; Faude O, International Journal Of Sports Medicine [Int J Sports Med], ISSN: 1439-3964, 2016 Mar; Vol. 37 (3), pp. 202-10; Publisher: Thieme; PMID: 26630547
Pilates improves lower limbs strength and postural control during quite standing in a child with hemiparetic cerebral palsy: A case report study2016Dos Santos AN, et al. (2016) . Dev Neurorehabil 19(4): 226-230.
Respiratory muscle performance after 12 sessions of training using the apparatus Reformer of Pilates method2019dos Santos NT, et al. (2019) . Fisioterapia e Pesquisa 26(1): 58-64. (Portuguese)
Increased strength of the scapular stabilizer and lumbar muscles after twelve weeks of Pilates training using the Reformer machine: A pilot study.2017Dos Santos NT, Raimundo KC, da Silva SA, Souza LA, Ferreira KC, Borges Santo Urbano ZF, Gasparini AL, Bertoncello D. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2017 Jan;21(1):74-80. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2016.05.005. Epub 2016 Jun 1.
Impact of Pilates Exercise in Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.2018Duff WRD; Andrushko JW; Renshaw DW; Chilibeck PD; Farthing JP; Danielson J; Evans CD, International Journal Of MS Care [Int J MS Care], ISSN: 1537-2073, 2018 Mar-Apr; Vol. 20 (2), pp. 92-100; Publisher: Clinicians Group; PMID: 29670495
A Multimethod Investigation into Physical Activity in Midlife Women2016Dugan SA, et al. (2016) . J Phys Act Health: 1-25.
Comparative effectiveness of Pilates and yoga group exercise interventions for chronic mechanical neck pain: quasi-randomised parallel controlled study.2016Dunleavy K, Kava K, Goldberg A, Malek MH, Talley SA, Tutag-Lehr V, Hildreth J. Physiotherapy. 2016 Sep;102(3):236-42. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2015 Aug 13.
Impact of clinical mat Pilates on body composition and functional indices in female patients with multiple sclerosisTBAEftekhari E, Etemadifar M
Effects of active/passive interventions on pain, anxiety, and quality of life in women with fibromyalgia: Randomized controlled pilot trial.2017Ekici G; Unal E; Akbayrak T; Vardar-Yagli N; Yakut Y; Karabulut E, Women & Health [Women Health], ISSN: 1541-0331, 2017 Jan; Vol. 57 (1), pp. 88-107; Publisher: Routledge; PMID: 26882533
Application of Pilates-based exercises in the treatment of chronic non-specific low back pain: state of the art.2019Eliks M, Zgorzalewicz-Stachowiak M, Ze?czak-Praga K. Postgrad Med J. 2019
The effects of the Pilates method in the elderly: a systematic review.2016Engers PB, Rombaldi AJ, Portella EG, da Silva MC. Rev Bras Reumatol Engl Ed. 2016 Jul-Aug;56(4):352-65. doi: 10.1016/j.rbre.2016.05.005. Epub 2016 Jun 1. Review. English, Portuguese.
Pilates for breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.2017Espíndula RC; Nadas GB; Rosa MID; Foster C; Araújo FC; Grande AJ, Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira (1992) [Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992)], ISSN: 1806-9282, 2017 Nov; Vol. 63 (11), pp. 1006-1012; Publisher: Associac?a?o Me?dica Brasileira; PMID: 29451666
Comparison of the functionality of pelvic floor muscles in women who practice the Pilates method and sedentary women: a pilot study2016Ferla L, et al. (2016) . Int Urogynecol J Jan;27(1):123-8.
Pilates training improves 5-km run performance by changing metabolic cost and muscle activity in trained runners.2018Finatto P, Silva ESD, Okamura AB, Almada BP, Storniolo JLL, Oliveira HB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA. PLoS One. 2018 Mar 21;13(3):e0194057. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194057. eCollection 2018. Erratum in: PLoS One. 2018 Apr 24;13(4):e0196509.
The effects of pilates on mental health outcomes: A meta-analysis of controlled trials.2018Fleming KM; Herring MP, Complementary Therapies In Medicine [Complement Ther Med], ISSN: 1873-6963, 2018 Apr; Vol. 37, pp. 80-95; Publisher: Elsevier; PMID: 29609943
Effects of a mat Pilates programme on body composition in elderly womenTBAFourie M, Gildenhuys GM, Shaw I, Shaw BS, Toriola AL, Goon DT
Effects of Pilates-Based Core Stability Training in Ambulant People With Multiple Sclerosis: Multicenter, Assessor-Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial.2016Fox EE; Hough AD; Creanor S; Gear M; Freeman JA, Physical Therapy [Phys Ther], ISSN: 1538-6724, 2016 Aug; Vol. 96 (8), pp. 1170-8; Publisher: Oxford University Press; PMID: 26893507
Air stacking: effects of Pilates mat exercises on muscle strength and on pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis.2014Franco CB, Ribeiro AF, Morcillo AM, Zambon MP, Almeida MB, Rozov T. J Bras Pneumol. 2014 Oct;40(5):521-7. English, Portuguese.
Predictive factors for progression through the difficulty levels of Pilates exercises in patients with low back pain: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial.2018Franco KFM; Franco YRDS; Oliveira NTB; Padula RS; Cabral CMN, Brazilian Journal Of Physical Therapy [Braz J Phys Ther], ISSN: 1809-9246, 2018 Nov - Dec; Vol. 22 (6), pp. 512-518; Publisher: Elsevier B.V; PMID: 29703585
Is Interferential Current Before Pilates Exercises More Effective Than Placebo in Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain?: A Randomized Controlled Trial.2017Franco KM; Franco YD; Oliveira NB; Miyamoto GC; Santos MO; Liebano RE; Cabral CN, Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation [Arch Phys Med Rehabil], ISSN: 1532-821X, 2017 Feb; Vol. 98 (2), pp. 320-328; Publisher: W.B. Saunders; PMID: 27771359
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Does the use of interferential current prior to Pilates exercises accelerate improvement of chronic nonspecific low back pain?2018Franco YR, Franco KF, Silva LA, Silva MO, Rodrigues MN, Liebano RE, Cabral CM. Pain Manag. 2018 Nov 1;8(6):465-474. doi: 10.2217/pmt-2018-0034. Epub 2018 Nov 5.
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The Effects of Pilates Training on Balance Control and Self-Reported Health Status in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial.2016Gabizon H; Press Y; Volkov I; Melzer I, Journal Of Aging And Physical Activity [J Aging Phys Act], ISSN: 1543-267X, 2016 Jul; Vol. 24 (3), pp. 376-83; Publisher: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.; PMID: 26540737
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Does Pilates exercise increase physical activity, quality of life, latency, and sleep quantity in middle-aged people?TBAGarcia-Soidan JL, Giraldez VA, Cachon Zagalaz J, Lara-Sanchez AJ
A qualitative study of the experiences and perceptions of adults with chronic musculoskeletal conditions following a 12-week Pilates exercise programme2019Gaskell L and Williams AE (2019) . Musculoskeletal Care 17(1): 54-62.
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The importance of trunk muscle strength for balance, functional performance, and fall prevention in seniors: a systematic review2013Granacher U, et al. (2013). Sports Med 43(7): 627-641.
Effects of feedback-based balance and core resistance training vs. Pilates training on cognitive functions in older women with mild cognitive impairment: a pilot randomized controlled trial.2017Greblo Jurakic Z; Krizanic V; Sarabon N; Markovic G, Aging Clinical And Experimental Research [Aging Clin Exp Res], ISSN: 1720-8319, 2017 Dec; Vol. 29 (6), pp. 1295-1298; Publisher: Springer; PMID: 28251569
Pelvic floor muscle training for secondary prevention of pelvic organ prolapse (PREVPROL): a multicentre randomised controlled trial.2017Hagen S, Glazener C, McClurg D, Macarthur C, Elders A, Herbison P, Wilson D, Toozs-Hobson P, Hemming C, Hay-Smith J, Collins M, Dickson S, Logan J. Lancet. 2017 Jan 28;389(10067):393-402. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)32109-2. Epub 2016 Dec 21.
Effects of Nordic Walking and Pilates exercise programs on blood glucose and lipid profile in overweight and obese postmenopausal women in an experimental, nonrandomized, open-label, prospective controlled trial.2015Hagner-Derengowska M, Kałużny K, Kochański B, Hagner W, Borkowska A, Czamara A, Budzyński J. Menopause. 2015 Nov;22(11):1215-23. doi: 10.1097/GME.0000000000000446.
Pilates for Better Sex: Changes in Sexual Functioning in Healthy Turkish Women After Pilates Exercise2016Halis F, et al. (2016) . J Sex Marital Ther May 18;42(4):302-8.
A comparison of the effects of Pilates and McKenzie training on pain and general health in men with chronic low back pain: a randomized trialTBAHasanpour-Dehkordi A, Dehghani A, Solati K
The effect of Pilates exercise on quality of life of elderly women with type 2 diabetes) [Persian]2018Hassani N, Heravi-Karimooi M, Rejeh N, Ashtiani MHD, Sharifnia H, Ghanbari M, MohammadiNejad M
Fall prevention in postmenopausal women: the role of Pilates exercise training.2016Hita-Contreras F, Martínez-Amat A, Cruz-Díaz D, Pérez-López FR. Climacteric. 2016 Jun;19(3):229-33. doi: 10.3109/13697137.2016.1139564. Epub 2016 Feb 5. Review.
Osteosarcopenic obesity and fall prevention strategies.2014Hita-Contreras F, Martínez-Amat A, Cruz-Díaz D, Pérez-López FR. Maturitas. 2015 Feb;80(2):126-32. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2014.11.009. Epub 2014 Nov 25. Review.
Effect of Pilates Intervention on Physical Function of Children and Youth: A Systematic Review.2019Hornsby E, Johnston LM., Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 May 30. pii: S0003-9993(19)30383-1. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2019.05.023. [Epub ahead of print] Review.
Effects of Pilates Exercise on Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A Levels in Older Women.2015Hwang Y, et al. (2015) J Aging Phys Act Dec 14.
Effects of Pilates Exercise on Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A Levels in Older Women2016Hwang Y, et al. (2016) . J Aging Phys Act 24(3): 399-406.
The effects of Pilates mat exercise on the balance ability of elderly females.2014Hyun J, et al. (2014) J Phys Ther Sci 26(2): 291-293. (Non-Randomized Controlled Trial)
The effectiveness of Pilates on balance and falls in community dwelling older adults.2016Josephs S, Pratt ML, Calk Meadows E, Thurmond S, Wagner A. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2016 Oct;20(4):815-823. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2016.02.003. Epub 2016 Feb 10.
Core Training in Low Back Disorders: Role of the Pilates Method.2017Joyce AA, Kotler DH. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2017 May/Jun;16(3):156-161. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000365. Review.
Expiratory pressure change with the application of the Pilates method in adult women with hyperkyphosis) [Portuguese]TBAJunges S, Dias Molina R, Sartori J, Ferreira L, da Silva Filho IG
Pilates exercise training vs. physical therapy for improving walking and balance in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial.2017Kalron A; Rosenblum U; Frid L; Achiron A, Clinical Rehabilitation [Clin Rehabil], ISSN: 1477-0873, 2017 Mar; Vol. 31 (3), pp. 319-328; Publisher: SAGE Publications; PMID: 26951348
Effectiveness of Pilates exercise: A quality evaluation and summary of systematic reviews based on randomized controlled trials.2016Kamioka H; Tsutani K; Katsumata Y; Yoshizaki T; Okuizumi H; Okada S; Park SJ; Kitayuguchi J; Abe T; Mutoh Y, Complementary Therapies In Medicine [Complement Ther Med], ISSN: 1873-6963, 2016 Apr; Vol. 25, pp. 1-19; Publisher: Elsevier; PMID: 27062942
Effects of a 12-week Pilates course on lower limb muscle strength and trunk flexibility in women living in the community.2015Kao YH, Liou TH, Huang YC, Tsai YW, Wang KM. Health Care Women Int. 2015;36(3):303-19. doi: 10.1080/07399332.2014.900062. Epub 2014 Apr 22.
Do Pilates-based exercises following total knee arthroplasty improve postural control and quality of life?2017Karaman A, Yuksel I, Kinikli GI, Caglar O. Physiother Theory Pract. 2017 Apr;33(4):289-295. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2017.1289578. Epub 2017 Mar 1.
Effect of Pilates training with vitamin E supplementation on some metabolic syndrome markers in overweight female adolescents) [Persian]2018Karimi F, Moradi M, Baghaiee B
Can Unconventional Exercise be Helpful in the Treatment, Management and Prevention of Osteosarcopenic Obesity?2017Kelly OJ, Gilman JC. Curr Aging Sci. 2017
Effect of exercise on stress urinary incontinence in women: a review study) [Persian]2018Khodarahmi S, Kariman N, Ebadi A, Ozgoli G
Can a pilates exercise program be effective on balance, flexibility and muscle endurance? A randomized controlled trial.2016Kibar S; Yardimci FÖ; Evcik D; Ay S; Alhan A; Manço M; Ergin ES, The Journal Of Sports Medicine And Physical Fitness [J Sports Med Phys Fitness], ISSN: 1827-1928, 2016 Oct; Vol. 56 (10), pp. 1139-1146; Publisher: Edizioni Minerva Medica; PMID: 26473443
Effects of Schroth and Pilates exercises on the Cobb angle and weight distribution of patients with scoliosisTBAKim G, Hwangbo P-N
The effects of Pilates breathing trainings on trunk muscle activation in healthy female subjects: a prospective study2017Kim ST & Lee JH. (2017) . J Phys Ther Sci 29(2), 194-197.
Effects of Structured Exercise Training in Children and Adolescents With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.2019Klepper S, Mano Khong TT, Klotz R, Gregorek AO, Chan YC, Sawade S. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2019 Jan;31(1):3-21. doi: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000555. Review. Erratum in: Pediatr Phys Ther. 2019 Apr;31(2):232.
Effects of a 16-week Pilates exercises training program for isometric trunk extension and flexion strength2017Kliziene I, et al (2017) . J Bodyw Mov Ther 21(1), 124-132.
Effects of Pilates and trunk strengthening exercises on health-related quality of life in women with chronic low back pain.2016Kofotolis N, Kellis E, Vlachopoulos SP, Gouitas I, Theodorakis Y. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2016 Nov 21;29(4):649-659.
Effects of Pilates and aqua fitness training on older adults' physical functioning and quality of lifeTBAKovach MV, Plachy JK, Bognar J, Balogh ZO, Barthalos I
Impact of the clinical Pilates exercises and verbal education on exercise beliefs and psychosocial factors in healthy women2015Küçük F & Livanelioglu A. (2015). J Phys Ther Sci Nov;27(11):3437-43. (Non-randomized controlled trial)
Improvements in cognition, quality of life, and physical performance with clinical Pilates in multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial.2016Küçük F; Kara B; Poyraz EÇ; ?diman E, Journal Of Physical Therapy Science [J Phys Ther Sci], ISSN: 0915-5287, 2016 Mar; Vol. 28 (3), pp. 761-8; Publisher: Society of Physical Therapy Science; PMID: 27134355
Effects of Pilates exercises on pain, functional status and quality of life in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis2013Kucukcakir N, Altan L, Korkmaz N
Exercise Therapy in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.2018Kuntze G; Nesbitt C; Whittaker JL; Nettel-Aguirre A; Toomey C; Esau S; Doyle-Baker PK; Shank J; Brooks J; Benseler S; Emery CA, Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation [Arch Phys Med Rehabil], ISSN: 1532-821X, 2018 Jan; Vol. 99 (1), pp. 178-193.e1; Publisher: W.B. Saunders; PMID: 28729171
Modified Pilates as an adjunct to standard physiotherapy care for urinary incontinence: a mixed methods pilot for a randomised controlled trial.2018Lausen A, Marsland L, Head S, Jackson J, Lausen B. BMC Womens Health. 2018 Jan 12;18(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s12905-017-0503-y.
Influence of Pilates mat and apparatus exercises on pain and balance of businesswomen with chronic low back painTBALee C-W, Hyun J, Kim SG
Effects of 8-week Pilates exercise program on menopausal symptoms and lumbar strength and flexibility in postmenopausal womenTBALee H, Caguicla JMC, Park S, Kwak DJ, Won D-Y, Park Y, Kim J, Kim M
Effect of mat pilates exercise on postural alignment and body composition of middle-aged women2016Lee HT, et al. (2016) . J Phys Ther Sci 28(6), 1691-1695.
Clinical effectiveness of a Pilates treatment for forward head postureTBALee S-M, Lee C-H, O'Sullivan D, Jung J-H, Park J-J
Effect of Pilates on sleep quality and quality of life of sedentary population2013Leopoldino AAO, et al. (2013) J Bodywork Move Ther 17, 5e10.
Effects of yoga on patients with chronic nonspecific neck pain: A PRISMA systematic review and meta-analysis.2019Li Y; Li S; Jiang J; Yuan S, Medicine [Medicine (Baltimore)], ISSN: 1536-5964, 2019 Feb; Vol. 98 (8), pp. e14649; Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; PMID: 30813206
The effects of Pilates exercise training on static and dynamic balance in chronic stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial.2016Lim HS; Kim YL; Lee SM, Journal Of Physical Therapy Science [J Phys Ther Sci], ISSN: 0915-5287, 2016 Jun; Vol. 28 (6), pp. 1819-24; Publisher: Society of Physical Therapy Science; PMID: 27390424
The effects of Pilates exercise on cardiopulmonary function in the chronic stroke patients: a randomized controlled trials.2017Lim HS; Yoon S, Journal Of Physical Therapy Science [J Phys Ther Sci], ISSN: 0915-5287, 2017 May; Vol. 29 (5), pp. 959-963; Publisher: Society of Physical Therapy Science; PMID: 28603381
Effects of pilates on patients with chronic non-specific low back pain: a systematic review.2016Lin HT; Hung WC; Hung JL; Wu PS; Liaw LJ; Chang JH, Journal Of Physical Therapy Science [J Phys Ther Sci], ISSN: 0915-5287, 2016 Oct; Vol. 28 (10), pp. 2961-2969; Publisher: Society of Physical Therapy Science; PMID: 27821970
Influence of a Pilates exercise program on the quality of life of sedentary elderly people: a randomized clinical trialTBALiposcki DB, Ferreirada Silva Nagata I, Silvano GA, Zanella K, Schneider RH
Immediate effects of Pilates based therapeutic exercise on postural control of young individuals with non-specific low back pain: A randomized controlled trial.2017Lopes S; Correia C; Félix G; Lopes M; Cruz A; Ribeiro F, Complementary Therapies In Medicine [Complement Ther Med], ISSN: 1873-6963, 2017 Oct; Vol. 34, pp. 104-110; Publisher: Elsevier; PMID: 28917361
Effectiveness of the Pilates method for individuals with nonspecific low back pain: clinical and electromyographic aspects2017Machado PM, et al. (2017) . Motriz: Revista de Educacao Fisica Vol 23, Iss 4 (2018)(4).
Effects of Pilates Exercises on Flexibility and Volleyball Serve Skill in Female College Students.2014Manshouri M, et al. (2014) Sport Scientific & Practical Aspects 11(2): 19-25. (Randomized Controlled Trial)
A comparison of 12 weeks of Pilates and aquatic training on the dynamic balance of women with mulitple sclerosisTBAMarandi SM, Nejad VS, Shanazari Z, Zolaktaf V
A comparison between Pilates exercise and aquatic training effects on mascular strength in women with mulitple sclorosisTBAMarandi S-M, Shahnazari Z, Minacian V, Zahed A
Effects of a mat Pilates program on cardiometabolic parameters in elderly womenTBAMarinda F, Magda G, Ina S, Brandon S, Abel T, ter Goon D
Effects of feedback-based balance and core resistance training vs. Pilates training on balance and muscle function in older women: a randomized-controlled trial.2015Markovic G; Sarabon N; Greblo Z; Krizanic V, Archives Of Gerontology And Geriatrics [Arch Gerontol Geriatr], ISSN: 1872-6976, 2015 Sep-Oct; Vol. 61 (2), pp. 117-23; Publisher: Elsevier Biomedical Press; PMID: 26036209
EMG activity of trunk stabilizer muscles during Centering Principle of Pilates Method2013Marques NR, et al. (2013) . J Bodywork Move Ther 17(2): 185-191.
Pilates exercise or stationary cycling for chronic non-specific low back pain: does it matter? A randomized controlled trial with 6-month follow-up [with consumer summary]2013Marshall PWM, Kennedy S, Brooks C, Lonsdale C (Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Jul 1;38(15):E952-9. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e318297c1e5.)
Improving muscular endurance with the MVe Fitness Chair in breast cancer survivors: a feasibility and efficacy study [with consumer summary]TBAMartin E, Battaglini C, Groff D, Naumann F
The Pilates Method in Physical Education. School Health Intervention Programme: Quality of Life, Physical Fitness and Postural Attitude of Secondary School Students in Cantabria2018Martínez RB. (2018) T. / El mètode Pilates a l'educació física. Efectes d'un programa d'intervenció en la salut escolar: qualitat de vida, estat físic i actitud postural d'estudiants d'ESO a Cantàbria. Apunts: Educació Física i Esports (131), 108-108.
Pilates-based physiotherapy for ankylosing spondylitis patients) [Spanish]2017Martinez-Pubil JA, Acebal Gonzalez A, Vega Alvarez JA
Pilates physiotherapy for ankylosing spondylitis patients: impact on lung function) [Spanish]2017Martinez-Pubil JA, Acebal-Gonzalez A, Fernandez Alvarez R, Vega-Alvarez JA
Mat Pilates training reduced clinical and ambulatory blood pressure in hypertensive women using antihypertensive medications.2015Martins-Meneses DT, et al. (2015) Int J Cardiol Jan 20;179:262-8. (Non-randomized, controlled trial)
Effect of Eight Weeks of Pilates training on Orexin and Insulin Resistance Levels in Overweight Children2018Maryam Bagheri N, and Bahram A. (2018) . Yafteh, Vol 20, Iss 1, Pp 112-122 (2018)(1), 112. (Persian)
Effects of different physical exercise programs on blood pressure and anthropometric indicators of the elderly) [Portuguese]TBAMazini Filho ML, Macedo Vianna J, de Oliveira Venturini GR, de Matos DG, Caputo Ferreira ME
Evaluation of different physical exercise programs in muscular strength and functional autonomy of elderly women) [Portuguese]TBAMazini Filho ML, Macedo Vianna J, de Oliveira Venturini GR, de Matos DG, Caputo Ferreira ME
The comparison of the effectiveness of conventional therapeutic exercises and Pilates on pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis.2018Mazloum V, Rabiei P, Rahnama N, Sabzehparvar E. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018 May;31:343-348. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2017.10.008. Epub 2017 Oct 22.
The effects of selective Pilates versus extension-based exercises on rehabilitation of low back pain.2018Mazloum V, Sahebozamani M, Barati A, Nakhaee N, Rabiei P. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2018 Oct;22(4):999-1003. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.09.012. Epub 2017 Sep 20.
Pilates Method for Women's Health: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.2015Mazzarino M; Kerr D; Wajswelner H; Morris ME, Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation [Arch Phys Med Rehabil], ISSN: 1532-821X, 2015 Dec; Vol. 96 (12), pp. 2231-42; Publisher: W.B. Saunders; PMID: 25912668
The Pilates client on the hypermobility spectrum2018McNeill W, et al. (2018) . J Bodywork Move Ther 22(1), 209-216.
Effects of Pilates exercises on health-related quality of life in individuals with juvenile idiopathic arthritis2013Mendonca TMS, Terreri MTRA, Silva CHM, Neto MB, Pinto RMC, Natour J, Len CA (Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Nov;94(11):2093-102. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2013.05.026. Epub 2013 Jun 24)
Effects of two exercise protocols on postural balance of elderly women: a randomized controlled trial.2015Mesquita LS; de Carvalho FT; Freire LS; Neto OP; Zângaro RA, BMC Geriatrics [BMC Geriatr], ISSN: 1471-2318, 2015 Jun 02; Vol. 15, pp. 61; Publisher: BioMed Central; PMID: 26033080
Exercise for ankylosing spondylitis: An evidence-based consensus statement.2016Millner JR, Barron JS, Beinke KM, Butterworth RH, Chasle BE, Dutton LJ, Lewington MA, Lim EG, Morley TB, O'Reilly JE, Pickering KA, Winzenberg T, Zochling J. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2016 Feb;45(4):411-27. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2015.08.003. Epub 2015 Aug 18. Review.
Pilates in noncommunicable diseases: A systematic review of its effects.2018Miranda S, Marques A. Complement Ther Med. 2018 Aug;39:114-130. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.05.018. Epub 2018 Jun 8. Review.
Efficacy of the Pilates method for pain and disability in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis2013Miyamoto GC, Costa LOP, Cabral CMN
Efficacy of the addition of modified Pilates exercises to a minimal intervention in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial2013Miyamoto GC, Costa LOP, Galvanin T, Cabral CMN (Phys Ther. 2013 Mar;93(3):310-20. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20120190. Epub 2012 Oct 11.)
Different doses of Pilates-based exercise therapy for chronic low back pain: a randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation.2018Miyamoto GC, Franco KFM, van Dongen JM, Franco YRDS, de Oliveira NTB, Amaral DDV, Branco ANC, da Silva ML, van Tulder MW, Cabral CMN. Br J Sports Med. 2018 Jul;52(13):859-868. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098825. Epub 2018 Mar 10.
Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Different Weekly Frequencies of Pilates for Chronic Low Back Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial.2016Miyamoto GC; Moura KF; Franco YR; Oliveira NT; Amaral DD; Branco AN; Silva ML; Lin C; Cabral CM, Physical Therapy [Phys Ther], ISSN: 1538-6724, 2016 Mar; Vol. 96 (3), pp. 382-9; Publisher: Oxford University Press; PMID: 26294680
Principles of the Pilates method and its effect on low back pain, pelvic floor function and posture: a systematic review of the literature) [Hebrew]TBAMizrachi N, Kafri R
Effect of a Mat Pilates Program with TheraBand on Dynamic Balance in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: Feasibility Study and Randomized Controlled Trial.2018Mollinedo-Cardalda I; Cancela-Carral JM; Vila-Suárez MH, Rejuvenation Research [Rejuvenation Res], ISSN: 1557-8577, 2018 Oct; Vol. 21 (5), pp. 423-430; Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert Inc.; PMID: 29207899
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Pilates Improvement the Individual Basics of Service and Smash in Volleyball2018Montesano P & Mazzeo F. (2018) . Sport Mont 16(3), 25-30.
Functional Role of Internal and External Visual Imagery: Preliminary Evidences from Pilates2018Montuori S, et al. (2018) . Neural Plasticity (26) 327-344.
Comparison of deep and superficial abdominal muscle activity between experienced Pilates and resistance exercise instructors and controls during stabilization exercise2015Moon JH, Hong SM, Kim CW, Shin YA. (2015) . J Exerc Rehabil Jun 30;11(3):161-8. (Retrospective Case-Control Study)
The Effects of the Pilates Training Method on Balance and Falls of Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized ControlledTrials.2018Moreno-Segura N; Igual-Camacho C; Ballester-Gil Y; Blasco-Igual MC; Blasco JM, Journal Of Aging And Physical Activity [J Aging Phys Act], ISSN: 1543-267X, 2018 Apr 01; Vol. 26 (2), pp. 327-344; Publisher: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.; PMID: 28771109
Pilates versus general exercise effectiveness on pain and functionality in non-specific chronic low back pain subjects.2015Mostagi FQ, Dias JM, Pereira LM, Obara K, Mazuquin BF, Silva MF, Silva MA, de Campos RR, Barreto MS, Nogueira JF, Lima TB, Carregaro RL, Cardoso JR. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2015 Oct;19(4):636-45. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2014.11.009. Epub 2014 Nov 18.
Pilates improves pain, function and quality of life in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial.2015Natour J; Cazotti Lde A; Ribeiro LH; Baptista AS; Jones A, Clinical Rehabilitation [Clin Rehabil], ISSN: 1477-0873, 2015 Jan; Vol. 29 (1), pp. 59-68; Publisher: SAGE Publications; PMID: 24965957
The effect of Pilates training on memory quotient (MQ) in multiple sclerosis patients) [Persian]2015Nezakatolhosseini M, Esfarjani F, Dinani ZM
Pilates Method for Lung Function and Functional Capacity in Obese Adults.2015Niehues JR, Gonzáles I, Lemos RR, Haas P. (2015) Altern Ther Health Med Sep-Oct;21(5):73-80. (Literature Review)
Daily Pilates exercise or inactivity for patients with low back pain: a clinical prospective observational study2014Notarnicola A, et al. (2014) . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 50(1): 59-66.
Effect of individualized physical rehabilitation programs on respiratory function in women with post-mastectomy syndrome.2019Odinets T; Briskin Y; Pityn M, Physiotherapy Theory And Practice [Physiother Theory Pract], ISSN: 1532-5040, 2019 May; Vol. 35 (5), pp. 419-426; Publisher: Informa Healthcare; PMID: 29482414
Effect of individualised physical rehabilitation programmes on the functional state of the cardiovascular system in women with post-mastectomy syndrome2019Odynets T, Briskin Y
Effect of water physical therapy on quality of life in breast cancer survivorsc2018Odynets T, Briskin Y, Perederiy A, Pityn M, Svistelnyk I
Effectiveness of individualised intervention on pulmonary function in women with post-mastectomy syndrome2018Odynets T, Briskin Y, Putrov S ( Physiotherapy Practice and Research, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 147-154, 2018)
The effect of the clinical pilates exercises on kinesiophobia and other symptoms related to osteoporosis: Randomised controlled trial.2017Oksuz S, Unal E. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2017 Feb;26:68-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2016.12.001. Epub 2016 Dec 8.
Effects of the Pilates method on variables related to functionality of a patient with traumatic spondylolisthesis at L4-L5: A case study.2016Oliveira LC, et al. (2016) J Bodyw Mov Ther 2016 Jan;20(1):123-31
Comparison between static stretching and the Pilates method on the flexibility of older women.2016Oliveira LC, Oliveira RG, Pires-Oliveira DA. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2016 Oct;20(4):800-806. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2016.01.008. Epub 2016 Feb 3.
Effects of the Pilates exercise compared to whole body vibration and no treatment controls on muscular strength and quality of life in postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial2018Oliveira LC, Oliveira RG, Pires-Oliveira DAA ( Isokinetics and Exercise Science, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 149-161, 2018)
Pilates increases the isokinetic muscular strength of the knee extensors and flexors in elderly women2017Oliveira LC, Oliveira RG, Pires-Oliveira DADA (J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2017 Oct;21(4):815-822. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.01.006. Epub 2017 Jan 8.)
Pilates increases isokinetic muscular strength of the elbow flexor and extensor muscles of older women: A randomized controlled clinical trial.2017Oliveira LC; Pires-Oliveira DA; Abucarub AC; Oliveira LS; Oliveira RG, Journal Of Bodywork And Movement Therapies [J Bodyw Mov Ther], ISSN: 1532-9283, 2017 Jan; Vol. 21 (1), pp. 2-10; Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; PMID: 28167180
Muscle activation during Pilates exercises in participants with chronic non-specific low back pain - a cross-sectional case control study2017Oliveira NT, et al. (2017) . Arch Phys Med Rehabil 98(1): 88-95.
Comparing the effectiveness of Pilates and resistance training exercises and their combination (Pilates and resistance) on quality of life, muscular strength and fatigue in women with multiple sclerosis) [Persian]TBAPahlevanzade M, Rahmani Nia F, Shabani R, Shabani A
Comparative study of Pilates exercise verses Yogasana in the treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome: a pilot studyTBAPalekar TJ, Basu S
Effect of exercise on breast cancer-related lymphedema: what the lymphatic surgeon needs to know2019Panchik D, Masco S, Zinnikas P, Hillriegel B, Lauder T, Suttmann E, Chinchilli V, McBeth M, Hermann W
Neuromuscular efficiency of the multifidus muscle in pilates practitioners and non-practitioners.2018Panhan AC, et al. (2018) Complement Ther Med (40):61-63.
Chronic low back pain and postural rehabilitation exercise: a literature review.2018Paolucci T, Attanasi C, Cecchini W, Marazzi A, Capobianco SV, Santilli V. J Pain Res. 2018 Dec 20;12:95-107. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S171729. eCollection 2019. Review.
The effect of Pilates-based exercise on mobility, postural stability, and balance in order to decrease fall risk in older adults2014Pata RW, et al. (2014) . J Bodywork Move Ther 18(3): 361-367.
Pain Perception and Stabilometric Parameters in People With Chronic Low Back Pain After a Pilates Exercise Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial.TBAPatti A; Bianco A; Paoli A; Messina G; Montalto MA; Bellafiore M; Battaglia G; Iovane A; Palma A, Medicine [Medicine (Baltimore)], ISSN: 1536-5964, 2016 Jan; Vol. 95 (2), pp. e2414; Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; PMID: 26765419
Effects of Pilates exercise programs in people with chronic low back pain: a systematic review2015Patti AB, A, Paoli A, Messina G, Montalto MA, Bellafiore M, Battaglia G, Iovane A, Palma A
Immediate effects of core stabilization exercise on beta-endorphin and cortisol levels among patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomized crossover design [with consumer summary]TBAPaungmali A, Joseph LH, Punturee K, Sitilertpisan P, Pirunsan U, Uthaikhup S
Effectiveness of Exercise Programs in Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.2018Pécourneau V; Degboé Y; Barnetche T; Cantagrel A; Constantin A; Ruyssen-Witrand A, Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation [Arch Phys Med Rehabil], ISSN: 1532-821X, 2018 Feb; Vol. 99 (2), pp. 383-389.e1; Publisher: W.B. Saunders; PMID: 28860095
Is pilates as effective as conventional pelvic floor muscle exercises in the conservative treatment of post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence? A randomised controlled trial.2015Pedriali FR, Gomes CS, Soares L, Urbano MR, Moreira EC, Averbeck MA, de Almeida SH. Neurourol Urodyn. 2016 Jun;35(5):615-21. doi: 10.1002/nau.22761. Epub 2015 Mar 21.
Trunk Muscle EMG During Intermediate Pilates Mat Exercises in Beginner Healthy and Chronic Low Back Pain Individuals2017Pereira ILR, et al. (2017) . J Manipulative Physiol Ther 40(5): 350-357.
Pilates versus resistance exercise on the serum levels of hs-CRP, in the abdominal circumference and body mass index (BMI) in elderly individualsTBAPestana MDS, Netto EM, Pestana MCS, Pestana VS, Schinoni MI
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