Current Advice for the Northern Territory
Last updated: 19 January 2023
There are no current Chief Health Officer (CHO) directions in place.
Archive of Previous Updates
From 13 September 2022, you are required to isolate at home or a suitable place for at least 5 days if you test positive for COVID-19.
The Northern Territory’s Public Health Emergency Declaration ceased at 11.59pm on 15 June 2022.
The safety measures for places, businesses, activities, services and premises direction has ended. There are no COVID-19 restrictions in place for businesses, activities, services and premises across the Northern Territory. There is also no longer a requirement for a businesses to have a COVID-19 safety plan. Excerpt from media release:
Some Chief Health Officer Directions (CHO) will remain in place. These include:
Testing and reporting Rapid Antigen Test results
Everyone should get tested for COVID-19 if showing symptoms using a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT).
People who test positive to a RAT must immediately declare their result using the Rapid Antigen Test declaration form. This is a legal requirement.
Infected persons and close contacts
The requirements for people who test positive for COVID-19 remain in place, including immediately isolating for at least seven days.
The requirements for people who are a close contact also remain in place, including having a RAT within three days of becoming a close contact and on day six.
Face masks in high risk settings
Face masks must continue to be worn in the following high risk settings:
- hospitals and health care facilities
- aged care facilities
- disability residential facilities
- correctional facilities
- family violence, sobering up and homeless shelters
- while on board an aircraft.
It is highly recommended all people aged 12 years and over wear a mask when physical distancing cannot be applied. Children under the age of 12 do not need to wear a mask.
Previously, mask mandate update
There is no universal mask mandate in the Northern Territory.
Outside of high risk settings people do not have to wear a mask unless they choose to do so, but wearing a mask remains recommended.
High risk settings include hospitals and health care facilities, aged care and disability residential facilities, and correctional facilities, airports and on planes.
Previously, from 6pm on 29 January 2022 to 5 February 2022, masks must be worn when outside and within 1.5m of others who are not members of your household. Read Direction No. 32 of 2022.
Lock-in declared for Ampilatwatja, Milikapiti, Elcho and Wessel islands (including Galiwin’ku and Martjanba), Milingimbi and Palumpa
The lock-in applies until 2pm on 6 February 2022.
A person must not leave a lock-in area unless the person is:
- an authorised officer or essential worker
- infected with COVID-19 and must isolate outside the area
- suspected of being infected with COVID-19 and requires testing or assessment for infection outside the area
- required to exit the area under another law
- exiting to leave the Territory (conditions apply – see below).
See lock-in area map.
Previously, lockdown for Galiwin’ku, Gunyangara, Wurrumiyanga and all land known as the Utopia Homelands
Gunyangara (Ski Beach) in East Arnhem , Wurrumiyanga on the Tiwi Islands and Utopia PDF (1.2 MB) in the Barkly region entered a 7 day lockdown from 2pm 22 January 2022 to 2pm 29 January 2022. People who have left one of these communities within the last 7 days must submit to a RAT test in the next 24 hours (unless they have already tested negative since leaving). If you are still in the community, please follow local Health advice.
Lockdown continues for Elcho Island including Galiwin’ku and the Wessel Islands including Martjanba, until 2pm, 24 January 2022.
Lockout for Alice Springs, Amoonguna, Yuendumu and Yuelamu
The lockout for Alice Springs PDF (686.2 KB) and Amoonguna has been extended until 2pm Sunday 30 January 2022.
The lockout for Yuendumu and Yuelamu has been extended until 3pm Sunday 30 January 2022.
Fully vaccinated people are able to live normally within the lockout area. Mandatory mask use remains in place.
Previously, Lockout Yuendumu and Yuelamu
The Territory-wide lockout ended at 12pm Monday 10 January. A lockout remains in place for Yuendumu and Yuelamu.
Fully vaccinated people are able to live normally within the lockout area. Mandatory mask use remains in place.
Unvaccinated people 16 years and over, including those people who have received only their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, must stay at home during a lockout period and are only permitted to leave for the following four reasons:
- medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination
- for essential goods and services, like groceries, power tokens and medications
- for an hour of exercise, while wearing a mask;
- to provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves.
You cannot travel more than 30km from your home when leaving for one of the three reasons. If you need to go to the hospital and it is more than 30km from your home that is permitted.
Businesses and organisations are obligated to ensure employees, customers, visitors and participants are fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated people may access essential services only including supermarkets, hospitals or to get takeaway food.
It is mandatory for all places, businesses, organisations, community groups, venues, services and activities to use The Territory Check In system to collect customer contact details, no matter how long they are there for.
Mandatory mask use
A mask mandate is currently in place.
This includes pubs, clubs, restaurants, shopping centres, hairdressers, workplaces, public transport, taxi cabs, ride share and indoor boat cruises (Pilates not mentioned).
Masks are not required to be worn in private residences or while exercising. Children under the age of 12 do not need to wear a mask. It is highly recommended that everyone wears a mask when outdoors, particularly at any large public outdoor events.
Mandatory vaccinations
It is mandatory for workers in certain settings across the Northern Territory to get the COVID-19 vaccination and show evidence of this to their employer to continue working in the same role.
This includes that they:
- are fully vaccinated with two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine
- have a proven contraindication to all available vaccines.
Workers Requiring Vaccination:
- A worker who is likely to come into contact with people who are at risk of severe illness from COVID, work with Aboriginal people, or who works with people who cannot be vaccinated due to age or a contraindication to all vaccines. e.g. People who work in customer-facing roles including gyms/indoor fitness.
- A worker who is at an increased risk of contracting COVID-19 or who works in a high risk setting where there is a known risk of COVID-19 transmission or outbreak. e.g. Health care workers in hospitals and emergency departments, GP clinics, respiratory clinics etc.
Previously, The Lajamanu community and the surrounding homelands is in a lockdown which will continue until 6pm on 11 December 2021.
From 12pm, Saturday 27 November 2021, the Municipality of Katherine including Rockhole transitioned from a lockdown to a lockout until midday on Tuesday 7 December.
Robinson River, including surrounding homelands is in a lockout, this will remain in place until Wednesday, 1 December.
Binjari is in hard lockdown.
Previously, effective from 6pm, Monday 15 November 2021 until 6pm Monday, 22 November 2021, Greater Katherine and Robinson River including surrounding homelands entered into a full lockdown.
A hard lockdown has also been issued for Binjari and Rockhole.
Lockdown details for Binjari and Rockhole
Residents must stay at home for the lockdown period and are only permitted to leave for the following reasons:
- Medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination
- To provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves or in case of an emergency, including escaping domestic or family violence
- If required by law.
Lockdown Greater Katherine and Robinson River area map
Lockdown details for Katherine, Robinson River & Surrounding Homelands
Residents must stay at home for the lockdown period and are only permitted to leave for the following five reasons:
- Medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination
- For essential goods and services, like groceries and medications
- For work that is considered essential and can’t be done at home
- For one hour of outdoor exercise a day within 5 km from your home with one other person or people from your house
- To provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves.
- No travel is permitted outside of the lockdown area.
- Everyone must wear a mask outside of their home.
- All businesses and community centres are closed.
Previously, the below areas remain in lockout until midnight Monday 8 November 2021:
- City of Darwin
- City of Palmerston
- Litchfield Council
- Wagait Shire
- Belyuen Shire
- Dundee
- Bynoe
- Charlotte
- Cox Peninsula
- Municipality of Katherine including Tindal.
Fully vaccinated residents are able to live normally within the lockout area. Everyone must wear a mask outside their place of residence.
Unvaccinated residents, including those people who have received only their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, must stay at home during a lockout period and are only permitted to leave for the following five reasons:
- medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination
- for essential goods and services, like groceries and medications
- essential work
- for one hour of outdoor exercise a day within 5 km from your home with one other person or people from your house
- to provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves.
Vaccinated and unvaccinated essential workers can go to work in both Katherine and Greater Darwin. Only vaccinated essential workers are allowed to leave the area for work.
Previously, Thursday 26 August 2021, COVID-19 restrictions in Greater Darwin and Katherine will be lifted from noon today.
Previously, from Thursday 19 August, some restrictions have eased, however, restrictions for the Greater Darwin Area will be in place until 12pm on 26 August 2021 for high-risk activities.
Despite easing of restrictions, Indoor exercise including at gyms, Zumba, barre, Pilates and yoga studios will remain closed.
Effective from 12.01pm on Monday 16 August 2021, the below areas will enter a full lockdown for 72 hours:
- City of Darwin
- City of Palmerston
- Litchfield Council
- Wagait Shire
- Belyuen Shire
- Dundee
- Bynoe
- Charlotte
- Cox Peninsula
- Municipality of Katherine including Tindal
Gyms, Pilates and fitness are closed. Residents from affected areas must stay at home for the 72-hour lockdown period and people are only permitted to leave home for the following five reasons:
- Medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination
- For essential goods and services, like groceries and medications
- For work that is considered essential and cannot be done at home
- For one hour of outdoor exercise a day within 5 km from your home with one other person or people from your house
- In case of an emergency or if there is family violence or to provide essential care to a loved one or dependent who cannot support themselves and co-parenting arrangements.
For everyone in the lockdown area, masks must be worn if you leave your place of residence for one of these five reasons. Anyone caught breaching directions – including not wearing a mask – faces a $5,000 fine.
Previously, from 1pm Friday 9 July, all remaining restrictions are lifted.
Check-in everywhere, every time
The Territory Check-In App will become mandatory for use in all NT businesses, shopping centres, venues and events. Pen and paper will still be permitted.
- All businesses and places where customers and clients visit need to use a check-in system, like The Territory Check-In App.
Previously, from Friday 2 July until 1pm on 9 July 2021 restrictions remain in place for high-risk activities to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in our community.
- Indoor exercise including at gyms, Zumba, barre, Pilates and yoga studios will remain closed.
Previously, from 28 June 2021 The COVID-19 lockdown across the Greater Darwin Area has been extended for a further 72 hours until 1pm on Friday 2 July 2021. This includes the Darwin, Palmerston and Litchfield Council areas, and Wagait and Belyuen Shires.

Previously, requirements checked 22 February 2021
All businesses are required to lodge a COVID-19 Safety Plan by filling out the relevant checklists available. A COVID-19 Safety Plan checklist must be completed and submitted online. The checklist forms the businesses COVID-19 Safety Plan.
The CHO Directions also require businesses to comply with and review their COVID-19 Safety Plans at least every six months to make sure they continue to address any required safety responsibilities.
Businesses with a COVID-19 Safety Plan must also appoint a COVID Safety Supervisor to facilitate the implementation of their businesses COVID-19 Safety Plan.
The COVID-19 Safety Plan must be available to show to an authorised officer upon request.
Places that provide yoga, Pilates, massages or wellness services must collect customer contact details via the Territory check-in app or other suitable collection tool. More details
Previously, from noon on 15 May 2020, the following businesses, services and activities can reopen:
- participate in organised outdoor training activities for sporting clubs and teams
- operate or attend a studio that provides yoga, Pilates, Zumba, barre, dance classes
- operate or attend physical training activities indoors such as CrossFit and
- operate and attend a gymnasium.
Activities included in step two must be undertaken in less than two hours.
CHO Directions and mandatory requirements
The business must comply with the requirements specified in the Directions.
Under the Directions, a business must:
- complete and submit to the Department of Health a COVID-19 safety plan checklist before reopening and
- place markings on the floor of its premises where participants may queue (for example, at the entrance, bathrooms or service counter) before reopening and
- provide hand sanitiser to participants unless handwashing facilities are available.
The CHO’s directions are laws and it is an offence to contravene a direction of the CHO.
It is important that you keep informed about the Directions of the CHO and any requirements or restrictions which relate to your type of business.